
Finalista do STB celebra Matrimónio!

A nossa querida Ani Martins realizou no passado sábado, dia 28 de Abril, o seu enlace matrimonial com Pedro David Marques, actual Presidente do Departamento da Juventude da CBP. O STB deseja aos noivos as maiores bênçãos de Deus. A Ani Martins é finalista do programa de estudos de licenciatura em Teologia e deverá obter o seu diploma no próximo dia 30 de Junho, às 17h, na cerimónia de graduação do STB que decorrerá nas instalações da III Igreja Baptista de Lisboa.

2 Comentários:

Às 2:51 da manhã , Blogger eDOT disse...

I sure like the look of your blog.
The internet is certainly a great
to have a great witness to many.

If you're interested, I've posted
some blog links (including yours -
hope that's alright) of others who
are doing the same...

Às 3:26 da manhã , Blogger Professor Howdy disse...

I think it's great when people
use the internet in an evangelistic
way like you're doing.

That's what I'm trying to do
also with my blog. I try not
to look religious and my
hook is humor and yet
controversial issues are
also discussed. As long
as it's evangelical with
a Biblical Worldview
and interesting, I try
to include it.

Please pray for us -
we're often under
attack and have
been for our entire
10 year existence.

Thanks again for
what you're doing...

Your Internet Friend,
Professor Howdy


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